Trusted by thousands of students worldwide
Here's How It Works:
Owl makes your college application experience less painful and more successful. Every student deserves top-tier tools—without the premium price tag.
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Step 1: Onboarding
Feed Owl your stats: grade level, test scores, intended major, and whatever else makes you unique. Owl analyzes it all to understand your story.
Step 2: Personalized Plan
Owl crafts a plan that’s all about you. It breaks down every step to get you into your dream school. Talk to Owl to fine-tune the plan until it's razor-sharp.
Step 3: Milestone Guidance
Owl doesn’t just set goals—it helps you crush them. From perfecting your essays to acing interviews, Owl’s got your back.
There's more?
TL;DR: Owl Does It All.
Sample Essay Suggestions
To inspire your writing, Owl provides examples of successful essays from students with similar backgrounds and interests. These samples can guide you in crafting a narrative that stands out.
Prompt Analysis
Struggling with how to approach your essay prompt? Owl breaks down the prompt, helping you understand what’s being asked and suggesting angles you might consider in your response.
Idea Generation
Stuck on what to write? Owl gives you creative ideas and brainstorming sessions based on your interests and background, helping you find the perfect angle for your essay.
Essay Editing
Detailed feedback on your drafts. Owl corrects your spelling and grammar and suggests improvements in tone, structure, and clarity to make your personality truly pop off the page.
Resource Suggestions
If you're writing about overcoming failure, Owl might recommend ideas like Stoicism or Existentialism's finding meaning in hardship, adding depth and intellectual vitality to your essay.
Final Essay Score
Owl provides a final score that reflects the quality and effectiveness of your writing. This score helps you assess how well your essay meets your college's standards.
…and a lot more.
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